Photos credited to Leo Van Kuilenburg/mataleo.nl
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Your #1 source for all things mixed martial arts. Clinch Or Die will be providing in depth coverage of live events and bringing you the latest news in mma on the net. Fighter profiles, fighter interviews and the most brutally honest fighter rankings on the net.
Darrick: What was the journey that led you to professional mixed martial arts competition?
Wilson: A few years ago, I saw all of my friends from Brazil and really good Jiu-Jitsu fighters take the next step and get into MMA. I talked to my friends about doing MMA and it was Brad Daddis who pushed me for my first fight, and of course myself because I was really excited to take this sport to the next level.
Darrick: Do you have any words of advice for other individuals looking to compete in MMA?
Wilson: I think that if a person has a goal or a dream, then they should definitely go for it. When I was a kid, I had a dream and I followed it. With the right gym and coach, I made my dream happen. And the same thing can happen for anyone who wants to compete in MMA.
Darrick: Who are some of the people that greatly influenced you while growing up?
Wilson: A lot of fighters that I know personally, the coach that was coaching me as a teenager, Roberto Godói, and Jorge Macaco. Also, my family played an important role as well.
Darrick: What brings you the most fulfillment out of martial arts?
Wilson: I love the whole process of training and getting ready for a fight or even a Jiu-Jitsu match. Also, the whole lifestyle of the sport and being able to make my family back home and teammates happy and proud of me.
Darrick: Who are a few of the people in the sport that you highly respect?
Wilson: I respect Minotauro because as a person he is a great individual and as an athlete he is just all-around amazing. I also like Kenny Florian, Eddie Alvarez, Anderson Silva, and B.J. Penn. Really though, there are so many good fighters out there.
Darrick: What does a typical training session for you consist of?
Wilson: Two workouts a day and teaching classes. Conditioning in the morning, boxing or MMA in the afternoon, and class at night. Every day is different though, so it really depends on the day.
Darrick: Outside of MMA, what are your other interests?
Wilson: I love going for coffee, and catching up with my family and friends. And I can't get enough of Jiu-Jitsu.
Darrick: Tell us something about you that most people don't know.
Wilson: People don't know that I'm not good with spicy food and I like Hip Hop music.
Darrick: If you had superpowers, what would they be?
Wilson: I would be able to point my finger at people and make them happy and full of life. Especially the poor people.
Darrick: What is your oldest memory?
Wilson: When I was two years old, my grandfather threw a rock at a rooster so that it would move out of my playing area - he missed and hit me on accident. I now have a scar above my lip to show for this past event. Also, in closing I would like to thank my coaches, family, and sponsors (Bad Boy, FightPlanet.ca, P90X, and FightMA.com)
For more interviews by Darrick Patrick, please visit his site here...
More exclusive Darrick Patrick interviewsDarrick: What was the road that led you to professional mixed martial arts competition?
Tamdan: I am quite a misanthrope and through a series of coincidences I met my trainer and now good friend Erik Charles. I hated the world for a while and wanted to kick everyone's ass. I kept training hard and getting my ass kicked, but eventually I became good and went on a tear winning my first ten fights along with signing with the UFC.
Darrick: Any words of advice for other individuals looking to train in MMA?
Tamdan: Just keep your head up and keep training hard. If you're doing the right things with the right people, eventually everything will fall into place.
Darrick: Who are a few of the people in the sport that you highly respect?
Tamdan: Obviously my coaches who have put up with me for forever to make me the athlete and fighter that I am today.
Darrick: Your next scheduled fight is against Dustin Hazelett on November 15th. What are your thoughts about this upcoming match?
Tamdan: He's obviously good on the ground and has been around the block a few times. It'll be an exciting fight and hopefully it'll make the broadcast.
Darrick: What personally brings you the most fulfillment out of martial arts?
Tamdan: I guess the most fulfillment I get out of martial arts is seeing those that I coach succeed and excel. When you take someone who came from nothing and mold them into a monster that then challenges you, it's a very rewarding feeling. I look forward to seeing the guys that I train and train with succeed in the next couple of years.
Darrick: Who are some of the people that greatly influenced you while growing up?
Tamdan: Everyone that hated on me, all the people that pushed me around, and my coaches and friends now that brought me back up and made me a monster.
Darrick: Outside of MMA, what are your other interests?
Tamdan: Playing video games (Zelda of course and other fantasy titles), boozin' out on the town, chasing women, throwin' a good chaw in here and there - all the usual things a 21-year-old likes, I guess. I plan on spending a lot of time doing all of those things after I gain another W with this fight.
Darrick: Tell us something about you that most people don't know.
Tamdan: If I told you, then everyone would know, right? Then there'd be no secrets. Really, I can't think of anything at the moment. Try back in a couple weeks. (Laughs)
Darrick: What is your oldest memory?
Tamdan: I remember when I was about two and first learned how to climb out of my crib. Well, I made it over the side and I fell off it and smacked the ground in the middle of the night while trying to go jump in my parent's bed.
Darrick: If you had superpowers, what would they be?
Tamdan: The ability to live a stress-free life.
For more interviews by Darrick Patrick, please visit his site here...
More exclusive Darrick Patrick interviews